The best time for doing exercises are in the mornings and then in the evenings.

Going to the gym and swimming are both good, but in the gym one can also do weight bearing exercises. Know your limit before you start.

You should do your work-outs thrice a week so that your muscles get the relaxation which is a must so that you can strengthen them again. A particular sequence of exercises needs to be performed at the gym.

You should eat a fruit like an apple or banana or any carbohydrate-rich food like a cereal, so that it does not deplete you of your energy.

Be regular and aim for 3-4 workouts a week.

Take small sips of water during exercise.

Do not exercise on an empty stomach. It leads to dehydration.

Take it slow and exercise at a comfortable pace. You should be able to carry on a conversation comfortably while exercising.

Work within your limits. Do not overstretch yourself when fatigue sets in.

Do warm up exercises which prevent stiffness of the muscles, prevent post exercises pain and soreness and will prepare your heart and lungs for that extra effort.

Cool off exercises are a must since your body needs time to get back to resting stage. Breathe deeply during cool-off stage. Take a warm shower rather than a very hot or cold one.

Be alert to any warning signs of sore muscles or any injury of the back or knees. Stop immediately.

Beginners should do a high resistance-low volume work out, that too under the supervision of a trainer/instructor. You can combine this with aerobic activity where you train yourself at roughly 60-80% of your heart rate.

Do not fast and do not exercise on an empty stomach as the sustained effort can cause blood sugar to fall rapidly and lead to nausea, dizziness and fainting.

Start with 500 grams weight since you are a beginner. When you can do 12-15 reps comfortably, then increase the weights. Lift at a speed that you can control. On an average, each rep should last for 4 seconds: 2 for lifting and 2 for bringing it back.

Large muscles of the back, thighs and legs should be exercised first as they fatigue fast. The smaller muscles like the biceps and triceps should be exercised later.

You would basically require workouts with heavy weight. Always follow a low volume high intensity workout. This is best done under supervision of a trainer or instructor.