In general, a woman shouldn't consider having full sex (i.e. intercourse) until after her postnatal check-up. This examination usually takes place about six weeks after the birth. Some couples do resume their sex life within the first month, and many more resume it between one and three months, but there is a sizeable minority who wait till about the six-month mark, or even a year.

It is important for the couple to talk about their feeling . Your husband might well feel rejected if you don't want sex, so it is up to you to explain the physical discomfort or anxieties that are holding you back.

You'll find that a great deal of time has to be spent taking care of the new baby. Most new mothers - and plenty of new fathers too - feel exhausted because they are never able to get sufficient sleep. This may go on for months - or even a couple of years.

Most women don't feel very keen on sex for at least a few weeks after childbirth and the main reason for this is simply exhaustion. If the delivery was long or difficult, the woman may also feel anxious about getting pregnant again.

A lubricant can be very helpful if the perineal area is feeling sensitive. It also helps with the vaginal dryness many women experience at this time.

Full sexual intercourse doesn't have to happen the first time you feel sensuous or aroused. It may be easier to think of just cuddling at first, and gradually getting used to being touched in a sexual way again.

If tiredness is your biggest problem, try making love during your baby's nap time, when you are not too exhausted to enjoy it.

Do your pelvic floor exercises to bring back muscular tone to your vagina, and look out some postnatal exercise classes to help get back into shape and raise your morale.

When you do have intercourse, choose a position that doesn't put too much pressure on wherever you are feeling sensitive.

Eat well and drink plenty of fluids. Rest whenever you can. Looking after a new baby is extremely demanding. In order to have any energy left over, you need to be looking after yourself very carefully.