The Flu vaccine contains protection against the type A and type B flu strains that have been identified as being prevalent in that year. While other strains may emerge the flu shot remains your best bet for staying healthy.

Washing hands can help prevent transmission of virus from infected people. If you shake hands with someone with a cold, who has just wiped his nose or coughed, you can get infected with the virus. A cold virus on your hands can stay alive for up to three hours. If you then touch your eyes or nose, you could get infected.

The eyes and nose are the most common routes of entry for flu and cold viruses. So, avoid touching your eyes or nose while working on the computer or while travelling.

Dehydrated makes one more susceptible to illnesses. Don't substitute alcoholic beverages for water. Alcohol can cause dehydration.

It is hard to fight infection if you are tired. Try to keep a regular routine at bedtime to help you sleep well. Sleep for at least 6-7 hours a day to keep your immunity levels strong.

Keep yourself well-hydrated and use some type of moisturising spray in your nose. Airplane air is very drying and moist nasal membranes are less likely to become cracked and open to infection.

Though it may not always be possible, it is advisable that you stay away from people already infected with viral. Never share towels, toiletries and soap etc used by sick people.

If someone coughs on food or in some other way transmits a virus to food it could then be transmitted to you. Serving utensils, tongs etc. should be readily available for this type of dining.

Use a hand sanitizer when soap and water is unavailable.