A female can become pregnant any time after she begins to ovulate - even if its the first time she is having sex.

Douching or taking a bath immediately after sexual intercourse is not an effective method of birth control as it is impossible to douche fast enough to keep sperm away from fertilising an egg.

This is a huge myth! The withdrawal method, medically called coitus interruptus, is another temporary method of birth control. In this method, the man withdraws his penis from the woman's vagina before ejaculating. However, this method has a high rate of failure for two reasons. Firstly, it does not provide satisfaction to the couple and secondly, a small amount of sperm may be ejaculated in the vagina before the penis is removed resulting in pregnancy.

It is possible for a female to get pregnant at any time during her menstrual cycle. Females with irregular or shorter cycles can actually ovulate during their periods and that means they are can also become pregnant. Though the chance are slim, but not nil.

Though there may sometimes be side effects with the pill like nausea, vomiting, head ache, etc, no scientific research has till date proven that contraceptives or birth control pills cause cancer.

Saran wrap is no substitute for a condom. If you do not have a reliable birth control method handy, do not use plastic sandwich wrap around a penis as a way to prevent pregnancy.

Many women believe that jumping up and down after sex will dislodge sperm. This has no basis and is totally untrue! Sperm are too quick and too tiny for jumping work.

A lot of women believe that if they don't allow themselves to reach the climax during sex or have an orgasm, they will not conceive. This is again a big myth. Whether you have an orgasm or not, you can get pregnant.

A condom that is too tight is more likely to rupture during intercourse. When using a condom, it is also important to leave some space near the tip to safely catch the ejaculate (sperm).

Even if you are not getting your periods while breastfeeding your baby, eventually menstruation will return and you may ovulate without knowing it. So, it is possible to become pregnant while still breastfeeding your child.

While it is true that the older you get the less fertile you are, you can conceive as long as you are getting your periods. After one year without periods, you can forget about birth control and enjoy unprotected sex.

Unless your doctor has told you that you cannot get pregnant, you must take protection. Even if you have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), irregular periods or other problems that affect fertility, use birth control options.