Give solid food only once in a day when you start weaning.
Introduce only one food at a time to permit the infant to get used to it.
Give very small amounts of any new food at the beginning, 1-4 tsp.
Allow the infant to become familiar with the food before trying to give another.
Use a very thin consistency when starting solid foods, slowly thicken consistency.
If, after several trials, that baby has an acute dislike for a food, omit that item for a week or two and then try again. If the dislike persists it is better to substitute it with another.
The child should be encouraged to try new flavors. Variety in coice of foods is important.
Infants may object to taking some foods but will take them willingly if it is mixed with another food.
No added salt or sugar is needed if sweetening is necessary, sweeten with fruit puree.
Food should not be forced on the baby.
Salt and spices should not be added to baby foods.
Added salt may actually be harmful, before the age of one year.
When the baby accepts one slid feed in good amount (usually by 7 monhs age) introduced second solid feed.
Breast milk should be continued and a total of 5-6 feeds (solid+milk)are feeded slowly increased texture should be tolerated. Do not puree foods.
Maintain breast feeding throughout the first year.