The doctor-patient relationship is a unique one based on trust and confidence. A sound two-way communication and mutual respect forms the basis of a successful doctor-patient relationship and the doctor plays a crucial role in fostering good relations.

  • Listen to them patiently and respect their views
  • Treat them politely and considerately

  • Maintain confidentially about patients' diseases
  • Give them the information the patients have asked for about their condition, its treatment and prognosis

  • Give information in a way easy to understand manner
  • Respect the patients' right to get fully involved in decisions about their treatment

Respect their right to a second opinion

While a doctor faces challenges in making sure that he or she understands the patients' concerns and problems, every patient also has certain moral responsibilities.

  • Be polite and reasonable
  • Use his/her time with the doctor properly

Be honest and open with the doctor

Tell him/her about any medicines you are taking and/or allergies you may have. (Photo: Dr Ravi Mohanka and Dr Arvinder Soin, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi)