Eat lots of fruits and vegetables during summers. Avoid oily and heavy meals.

When working outside in the Sun, take timely rest breaks in a cool area. Relax; slow down, pace yourself periodically to avoid fatigue.

Wash your face with water twice or thrice daily to keep the skin clean and cool. It will also keep your skin oil free and will prevent acne too.

Do not forget to carry an umbrella before going out in the sun to prevent direct exposure to sun.

Use a sunscreen before going out in the sun. Apply it at least 30 minutes before going outside. The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) should be 15 or more.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion are dizziness, headache, feeling tired, and perhaps sick to your stomach. The remedy is to drink more fluids and get to a cooler place - cool, not ice cold, water, and air conditioning are ideal.

The summer season is here and it's time to think about preventing dehydration and heat-related illness. Very few people know that the best time to have fluids is before you are thirsty because by the time you are thirsty, your body is already dehydrated. So, make it a habit to drink at least 15 glasses of water a day.

Avoid exercising during the hottest part of the day. Try to plan outdoor activities for days or times of day when the temperature is not too high.

If you need to be in the sun for a long time, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.

Wear light colours, which absorb less heat from the sun. Wear cotton clothes in summers and limit exposure to the hot sun. Wear protective clothes if working in intense sun.