HIV can only be passed from person to person through body fluids, such as blood, semen and vaginal fluid. Casual and unprotected sex and a history of sexually transmitted infections makes one more vulnerable to HIV. Know about the other risk factors of HIV transmission.

You are at high risk of HIV if you have had unprotected sex with many sex partners.

Having sex without condom also makes one highly vulnerable to HIV.

Use of illegal injected drugs is another risk factor of HIV transmission.

People who had blood transfusions or received blood products before 1985 also run at a high risk of HIV.

Sharing needles and syringes for injecting drugs with an infected person puts one at a high risk of HIV.

If you don't know your partner's sexual and drug history, you are risking both your and your life.

Tattooing or body piercing present a potential risk of HIV transmission. Only sterile equipment should be used for tattooing or body piercing.

Those who have been infected with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) earlier are at a even higher risk of contracting HIV.

Those who have a sex partner with any of the above risk factors have higher chances of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.